Monday, October 7, 2013

Here's what some of YOU are saying...

This is just a sample of the kinds of comments people are posting when they sign the petition to support bringing jobs and opportunities to the Newark area:

Jobs is the number one issue that constituents say we need to work on in every single survey we do. Let's get this done!

With currently developed technology employed in the construction and operation of the new data center, Delaware could enjoy the employment and technological expertise that would come with this firm. The University of Delaware would benefit from the partnership with a firm in one of the premier technology sectors where economic growth is now occurring. The State Department of Environmental Control has the capability to understand and monitor the environmental design and operation of this facility. It would be hard to find a better technology of this size and scope to bring to Delaware.

this is a great project! it will create jobs, help the environment, and is a win/win.

We need to create more jobs in our state. We need to create a more business friendly environment to attract business to this area.

This project will create jobs and the infrastructure necessary for future high-tech growth in Newark!

I support the job creation and on site clean energy production. The Chrysler plant made much more noise than the data center could ever make. We need good jobs in Delaware so people can earn a living.

Recycling brownfields is critically important for our collective future.

This is Delaware's chance to make its mark. Technology is the way way of the future. Delaware needs to be a technology leader for the future.
If you want economic development you need to do redevelop sites like these.

This is a "no brainer" for me. YES 

Considering what was on that site for 50+ years, and the environmental incidents they caused, this is a 1000% inprovement, and will not only benefit the town of Newark, but the State of Delaware as a whole

This carefully design project will not only create jobs now but in the future. It is a responsible venture that is essential to economic recovery.

Best technology available w redundant systems. Awesome!

This is MUCH needed for Delaware to continue being recognized as a great place for business. Keeping ahead with new technology for our up and coming youthful workforce! Provide Opportunities here in Delaware for them!

I support this project. High paying clean jobs. THis is a win win for the state of Delaware

Glad to see someone is working on getting more jobs in the area!

Creating new jobs is a critical issue. This data center needs to be built.

Create jobs, infuse the school district with their tax revenue, strengthen the grid, and do so on Brownfield land? No Brainer!!

We need jobs.
Anyone who wants the city of Newark to grow and succeed in the future must support this project for the new residents it will bring and the opportunities it will create.

If we can't do this one what will we be able to do?

Delaware Needs This Project!

Turn the rubble left from the CHRYSLER plant into a high technology datacenter? Newark, DE, midway between Washington, DC and New York, becomes ground central for state-of-the-art Platinum LEED commercial facility? 600 high-end technical positions with directly associated annual payroll of $40M? Right next to the UNIVERSITY? Access to SEPTA & MARC? Who would fight this? It doesn't get any better.

I've lived in Newark for most of my life & welcome the development happening around the city and town. This sounds like a good move on the part of UD, DE and Newark.

I favor job creation which is a great need, and particularly higher paying positions. I am cognizant of the value of the construction jobs that will be created as well when this new industry is created. The additional value from the increased natural gas and fiber optic cabling to the Newark area has additional new job creation potential as well. So, what's there to disagree about? This looks like a real winner to me!

This is such a win-win project.

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